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How To Grow Your Firm Fast With Social Media Coaching

How To Grow Your Firm Fast With Social Media Coaching

I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked this question: "How can I scale my firm faster and get comfortable on social media?"

Firms are having to do more with fewer employees, less money, less of everything. And while we tend to get new ideas and get more efficient, it can cause a strain on the firm as a whole. As a firm owner, you can feel like you can never take the next step to grow. But this is why social media is so effective. Even if you feel like you cannot hire a social media manager right now, you should definitely hire a social media coach for yourself.


A social media coach will help guide you through the world of social media advertising. It can be done in a few sessions and can help you learn how to use social media as a tool and not just a place to post food pictures. In turn, this knowledge will help you create a social media presence for your firm that will bring more clients to your door and help your firm grow. 


As stated by Fast Company the best way to hire a social media coach is to have a specific list of issues you are facing, and have an objective to solve them. Many firms need to hand off some or all of their social media to a young employee to manage, never really knowing what they are doing. 


This is not a good idea for your firm for many reasons. First, the employee is not likely to know the state bar advertising rules. Second, the employee is splitting their time between regular duties and posting to social media – making your accounts inconsistent. Finally, your brand is being defined by someone else – not you – which means you could be losing clients. In effect, this is not firm marketing, but just another personal account that your employee runs from time to time. 


A social media coach will help you learn how to build a consistent presence on social media that aligns with your firm’s brand and message. They will teach you simple tools and tricks to help you continue to grow your audience online and get more clients in the door. In effect, this is not coaching, it's consultative selling. But what are real value-adds, real benefits?


Anytime that I have seen firms start working with a media marketing coach, they start to gain momentum. And momentum pays big-time! Keeping your clients in the loop using bite-sized pieces of information is important. You can place information, advertising, firm updates, and tips all on social media. This is where your clients are for 3-4 hours out of the day, so this is where you should be too. A media marketing coach can help create the structure and build invaluable tools to navigate through many obstacles that can be a great help to your firm.


Finding the right media marketing coach can be a great step forward to growing your firm the way you want to. They will be able to show you manageable skills to get you started. The same skills that you will need when you can finally hire someone to do the work for you. The best media marketing coaches are the ones who understand the legal field and marketing on social media. And is you are not quite ready for a coach right now, Practice Wingman is here with our monthly newsletter covering all the most important social media topic for you. Be sure to follow us on social media for even more up-to-date news. 


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